Lost and Found Adventures

Official RAGBRAI Charter Service

 Benefits of using our Charter (Lost and Found Adventures)

  • Allow the rider to enjoy RAGBRAI without worrying about all of the details.  
  • We have 30+ years of experience running a RAGBRAI Charter
  • The majority of our staff have ridden RAGBRAI. Our staff understands your needs in preparing for this adventure, including the day to day camping needs and transportation issues. 
  • Early May, Cheryl and Les from our crew will take a trip across Iowa stopping at each overnight town to select premium campsites for our group to insure that we are close showers, kybo's (portable toilets), and RAGBRAI events (food, bike shops, shopping, and entertainment).
  • For the riders that are camping with us throughout the week, you'll join the group for a meet and greet after we get camp set-up on the 19th. The meet and greet (includes wine, cheese and snacks) will introduce our staff and go over basic camping information.
  • Throughout the week you will have warm coffee in the mornings and cold beverages/snacks in the evenings.
  • When you arrive at our camp, your luggage will be laid-out in specific areas for quicker access.
  • Canopies will be set up with chairs available for your relaxation.
  • RAGBRAI newspapers will be available to assist you in locating evening dinner and entertainment choices.
  • Our truck will have multiple coolers filled with chocolate milk, sport drinks, and assorted beverages. In addition, there will be pickles and other snacks (i.e. chips, cookies, and peanuts).
  • Also available on the truck are tire pumps, bike stand, batteries, sunscreen, first aid kit, and tools.
  • Solar showers and shaving station in towns that allow us to set them up (at no additional charge).
  • Clothesline put up daily to allow you to your dry clothes.
  • Charging station that is powered by a generator to charge your electronic devices.
  • Staff members available throughout the day to assist your needs.
  • Limited sag service.
  • We value each rider, so we do limit the number of campers within our charter.
  • Our staff’s goal is to make RAGBRAI an experience that you will want to continue to do for many years.

 What are the different options for the charter?

Charter 1  Provides transportation along with daily camping and baggage service. This provides bus and bike transportation for you, your bags, and bike, from the ending town to Council Bluffs, IA on July 26, 2025 and daily baggage service for the week. The bus ride will include movies and free beverages. The daily baggage service will provide the following items:

  • A premium camping area when available
  • Solar shower with shaving station, when towns allow or close to other shower facilities
  • Kybos (portable bathrooms and hand washing stations) near campsite
  • Canopies and tarps to help protect luggage in case of rain
  • Canopies and chairs for relaxation
  • Truck goodies: water, sports drink, pop, and an assortment beverages, chocolate milk, and snacks
  • Flashlights, bike pumps, bike stand
  • Itinerary of the evening’s activities for each town
  • Limited sag service

    Charter 2:  Daily baggage service along with the camping for the week. NO bus ride. The daily luggage service will include the items listed under Charter 1.

    Charter 3: For those people that only need a few days of camping with our group. The daily luggage service will include the items listed under Charter 1.

    Transporation Option 1: Transportation for you, your bags, and bike, from Council Bluffs, IA to beginning town on July 19,

    Transporation Option 2:  Transportation for you, your bags, and bike, from Ending Town to Council Bluffs, IA on July 26.. On the bus we will have free drinks.

 This is my first RAGBRAI experience, what do I do?

By joining Lost and Found Adventures, we will assist you in making your trip easier. Please complete the following steps:

  • Register with RAGBRAI for the ride (remember to sign up with our charter, #60)
  • Sign up with Lost and Found Adventures charter services by filling out an application at our Register Link and paying by check or credit card under our Options Fees link.
  • Make reservation at the Holiday Innn/Amaristar in Council Bluffs, IA if you need a room for the July 18 or July 26.  If your staying at the motel you may leave your vehicle their for the week.  
  • Meeting us in Council Bluffs you may park your vehicle at the Holiday Innn/Amaristar (we have permission, but this is a at your own risk situation).  
  • For those who are not meeting us in Council Bluffs, we'll get  you our location in the start town for you to join us, and we will help you out the rest of the week.

 What happens once we arrive at the beginning town before the ride?

For those who are meeting in Council Bluffs at the hotel Holiday Inn/Ameristar and for those meeting us directly at the campsite, we will send you our campsite location via an email newsletter as soon as it is available.

 Can I join you if I park in the ending town for the week?

Yes! Absolutely, we would enjoy having you camp with us for the week.   Select option Charter 3. You will obtain your week-long parking pass from the ending town (from the ending town’s website). There are other charters that can provide transportation to the beginning town. 

 What happens during the week?

  • Every morning you will load your luggage/tent onto our truck for transportation to the next town.
  • Free coffee will arrive around 6 am.
  • Get onto your bike and ride that day’s designated route. Enjoying wonders of Iowa and the entertainment provide by the pass through towns on your way to the next overnight town.
  • We do have limited sag service for a minimal fee if you or your bike needs help completing that day’s ride
  • As you come into the overnight town, we will have signs up directing you to our campsite. Our campsite will be roped off. If you get lost, no worries, locate the RAGBRAI information board. We will have the location of our campsite on the information board.
  • After you have found our campsite, you can put up your tent and get ready for the evening.
  • When permitted by the overnight towns, we will have solar showers setup within our campsite (at no extra charge). If the overnight towns will not allow us the solar showers, we will try to camp near shower facilities (i.e. community centers, high schools, or shower trucks).
  • There will be cold beverages and snacks available in our campsite.
  • Our truck has many supplies for your use, a bike stand, pumps, and some tools available for you to use to make your own repairs/maintenance for your bike. Do not worry if you are not mechanically inclined, one of your new friends in camp maybe able to assist you. If your bike needs more help, there are several bike shops available at RAGBRAI's expo (also along that day's bike route).
  • We will have laundry soap, containers, and a clothes line available (at no charge) if you want to hand wash and dry your clothes.
  • We have some chairs available for your relaxation.
  • RAGBRAI has a list of places to eat and nightly activities at each of the overnight towns. We will have some of these publications available within our campsite.
  • In case of rain, we will do our best to keep your bags dry.

 Where does your charter start?

Council Bluffs, IA. We will pick up bags at the Holiday Inn/Amaristar, 2202 River Road, Council Bluffs, IA. The bus and supply truck leaves at 11:00 am sharp, so we can start your trip to the greatest adventure in Iowa.

 What happens when we finish the ride?

  • Upon completing the ride on July 26, 2025 you can dip your tires into the great Mississippi River and follow the signs directing you to our trucks.
  • Once at the truck, check in and take bike to loading crew for packing
  • Sign up for solar showers
  • Locate your bags and take your shower
  • Load bags onto bus
  • Board bus for ride to Council Bluffs, IA (bus leaves at 3:30pm). The will stop around Des Moines for a quick bite to eat.
  • Arrive in Council Bluffs, IA around 9:30 – 10 pm.

  Charter 2 riders will do the same as above, except your adventure ends before the bike packing and bus trip to Council Bluffs, IA. But, please stop at the truck to check-in and say your good-byes.

 What should I pack and is there a baggage limit?

Camping gear (tent and sleeping bag), riding gear (helmet, riding clothes, raincoat, and sunscreen), clothes for after the ride, towel an toiletries , and a roll of toilet paper or baby wipes in a sealed plastic bag. You will need cash throughout the ride for food, repairs, and souvenirs. There are ATM's in the towns along most of the ride and always in the overnight towns. Do not forget your bike (walking across Iowa will take you much longer). We only have a couple of rules abouts bags; please don't pack them so heavy that you cannot lift them above your head. We would rather have two lighter bags than one heavy one. In addition, we recommend a bag that is durable. Remember that they are going to be loaded or unloaded off the truck more than a dozen times throughout the week. Garbage bags and light plastic bags don't seem to hold up as well.

 Why do you charge more for tandem, trikes and recumbent bicycles 

These bikes are more difficult to pack and take up more room than a standard bike.

 Do we have a way to charge electronics during the week?

Yes. We have a charging station powered by a generator that will be available through the evening to charge cell phones, iPods, and other small electronics.

 How do we find food and entertainment during the week?

RAGBRAI provides a list food vendors and entertainment. We will have some these publications available within our campsite

 How do I find a shower?

We have solar showers and shaving stations, providing the towns allow us to put them up. If not, the overnight towns will have shower facilities available (i.e. community centers, high schools, or shower trucks) for a fee. These showers cost on average of $6.00

 Do you assist us in acquiring a RAGBRAI wristband?

Riders need to complete the RAGBRAI application to obtain their wristband. If you are not selected in the lottery, we may be able to pair you up with someone that needed to cancel. The wristband transfer takes place between the two parties. You will need to complete the liability waiver with RAGBRAI. All RAGBRAI forms and transfers are completed between the two parties and RAGBRAI, we are not involved.

Can I sag for a day instead of riding?

We do offer a limited sag service on a first come first serve basis (medical conditions take priority) for $20/sag. After you start your day's ride, RAGBRAI provides the sag service. 

 Can I bring my own vehicle during the week? 

No. Due to RAGBRAI restrictions, charters are limited with the number of vehicles that can come along. This is to assit the overnight towns with parking demands of a ride of this size. All overnight towns do provide shuttles and are small enough to walk/bike to the RAGBRAI food and entertainment venues. 

  How do I Ship my bike?

If shipping your bike, be sure to use one of the RAGBRAI shippers.

 What about tipping?

Tipping is common in service and travel industries. Any tips we receive will be divided among our staff. Most of our staff has taken time off from their real jobs or are college students that are off for the summer. Tipping is never required or expected, but if you wish to show your appreciation to our crew we encourage you to do so. 


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